Camino de Santiago de Compostela - The French Way

Travel to Santiago de Compostela is by air and you will spend 8 nights' in Spain's Galicia region, walking the last 100km of the 'French Way' Camino. The daily trek will be between 13km and 24km and will take you through many picturesque villages and hamlets in the region. The culmination will be the Pilgrims Mass in St James’s cathedral on the penultimate day of your tour.

Dates & Prices

1st - 9th October 2019 (8 nights)
Price: £765 per person, sharing a room, - PLUS flight costs.
Single room supplement: £168 for the duration.
Travel insurance £38 per person.

Pilgrim House, Station Court, Borough Green, Kent, TN15 8AF, UK

Tel: 0161 883 1515
